Questions to ask when decluttering shoes and bags.Welcome to Week 4 of Tidy 21. Over the last three weeks we’ve tackled clothing and outerwear. This week we are finishing off the things...
4 tips for storing Outerwear.This week we are working on Outerwear such as coats, hats, scarves and gloves. The system is the same as it was for the other clothes. ...
Tidying is not Minimalism.Every person in this world is an individual, and every person will need or want different numbers of belongings. Getting Decluttered and...
Golden Rules for DeclutteringWelcome to the first week of Tidy 21. Sometimes in a world that seems out of control, it is good to remember that there are always things...
How to get started on your Decluttering Journey.So, you’re ready to start Decluttering and Organising, all set for a brand new year. But where do you start? To be successful in...