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Pre-Move Organisation

You know you’re moving, when and where, now’s the time to supercharge your move.

Start Early! The more that you can get done in the run up to the move, the less stressful the actual move will be.

6 weeks before the move.

Make a moving folder with all the details in it that you need.

Download an app such as Trello to get organised. You can share tasks to be done with other people involved.

Book a moving company or van if you are using one. Consider if there are any parking restrictions to your property that you need to organise.

If you haven’t already, DECLUTTER NOW! Sell and donate anything that you’re not taking.

3-4 weeks before the move.

Collect Packing Supplies.

Menu Plan so that you use up the food in your Fridge and Freezer.

Organise care for Pets/Children for the day of the move.

Contact Utility companies with the change of address.

Contact Post Office for forwarding.

Organise cleaning if appropriate.


Start packing up anything that you don’t need.

Make sure that boxes are well taped.

Use the right size boxes for the job – you don’t want empty spaces in the boxes, but equally, they need to be light enough to be carried.

Clearly label box for the room that it is going into.

Take a photo of the inside of the box for a rough inventory.

Clothes can be left in drawers and wrapped in place. Depending on the weight, they may be able to be left in the shell.

Clothes can be left on hangers – wrap them together before taking them down.

1 Week before hand

Get Laundry up to date.

Create an essentials box to travel with you

o Toilet paper

o Tea/Snacks

o Scissors/pocket knife

o Garbage bags

o Change of clothes

o Washing up bowl and liquid

o Pet food

o Torch/bulbs

o Small tool kit

o First aid kit

o Towels

o Multipurpose cleaner

o Hoover if it fits

o Mugs/plates

o Important records

o Champagne

o Jewellery

o Irreplaceable items

o Favourite teddy for children

Day Before

Unplug TV and other electricals so that they are cold.

Next week is all about Moving Day itself!


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