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How to Stage your Home

This Week's Blog is a guest blog from Claire Thomson. Claire is a Property Stager - that is someone who helps your property sell faster and for more money - and I am delighted that she has taken the time to write these top tips for us as we move into the Spring Property Market!

PROPERTY STAGING Property Staging is creating a show home effect to make your home more appealing to potential buyers, helping it to sell quickly for the best price. Staging a home can increase it’s value by 6-10%. For homes that have been on the market for some time it’s worth investing in property staging rather than reducing the asking price. There are many things you can do to improve it’s appeal without spending too much money.

1.Staging where it counts The rooms that will influence a buyer’s decision are the living room, master bedroom and the kitchen, so make them a priority.

2. De-personalise The main objective of staging is to make viewers visualise the space as their own. The best way to do this is to create a blank canvas, removing all personal items from view, including photographs, clothes and toiletries.

3.Declutter Clutter in your home makes it look and feel smaller than it is so you want to remove as much as possible to make it feel bigger. Clear out cupboards to create a feeling of more storage and avoid jackets and shoes filling up entranceways.

4.Decorating & Repairs Repair any damaged areas and, if required, paint rooms in a neutral colour that will appeal to all viewers. If carpets are outdated or worn use large rugs to hide defects or consider replacing them with hardwood flooring.

5.Furniture Remove excess and oversized furniture that will make the room feel small. For large rooms, furniture that is too small will make it feel cold and unwelcoming. For open plan areas, position the furniture to create zones that have an obvious function. Use double beds in all rooms to let viewers realise the space.

6. Accessories Art work, cushions and throws in matching colours create a feeling of luxury in living rooms and bedrooms. Plants make a room feel brighter and fresher. Mirrors positioned correctly create reflection making rooms feel more spacious. Create a symmetrical look in bedrooms with matching cabinets and lamps at each side of the bed.

7.Define Rooms Most viewers are unable to imagine how they will use empty rooms and multi-use rooms create confusion so it’s important that they all have a clearly defined function. A box room could be “Staged” as a study rather than a storage room.

8.First Impressions Count Create ‘Kerb Appeal’ by ensuring the front of your house is attractive to viewers. This might include painting the front door and adding some planters. You can make your property feel more inviting by improving the entranceway with a console table, plants and a mirror which will make it feel wider.

9.Exterior Gardens should be well presented and the addition of garden furniture will make viewers realise it’s potential. A balcony with bistro table and chairs improves the lifestyle you are selling. Repair any obvious damaged areas like broken gates or fences which will make viewers think the property has been neglected.

10.Prepare for Advertising & Viewing Have all curtains and blinds open to maximise natural light. Switch on room lights to make the space feel bigger and brighter. Put clean white bed linen on the beds and new matching towels in the bathrooms. Invest in a photographer that specialises in property photography to ensure the photos taken make your home look it’s best. This will ensure it stands out among the rest on the market, attracting the most viewers.

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